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Development Environment Setup

First our repository needs to be cloned.

git clone git://

Compile From Terminal

TLS-Anvil depends on specific TLS-Attacker and TLS-Scanner as well as Anvil-Core as testing framework. Those are implemented as maven dependencies and should be fetched during build automatically.

mvn clean install -DskipTests

TLS-Anvil can be started by executing the jar file.

cd TLS-Testsuite/apps
java -jar TLS-Testsuite.jar

Setup IDE

TLS-Anvil was mainly developed in IntelliJ IDEA and Netbeans. Since IDEA offers a deeper JUnit integration, the following section explain a basic IDEA setup.


  1. Open the TLS-Testsuite Project (pom.xml) in IntelliJ
  2. Open the Project Structure -> Module Menu.
  3. Add the TLS-Test-Framework (TLS-Test-Framework/pom.xml) as new Module
  4. If you want or need to modify TLS-Attacker and TLS-Scanner as well (separate git repositories):
    1. Add TLS-Attacker (TLS-Attacker/pom.xml) as new Module
    2. Add TLS-Scanner (TLS-Scanner/pom.xml) as new Module

The project should compile now.

Since TLS-Anvil uses JUnit as testing framework, a single test can be executed using the IDE. For example, if you open a TLS-Anvil test template inside the de.rub.nds.tlstest.suite.tests package, a green play button is visible next to the test function.

The example from the screenshot is a server test. Therefore, a TLS server needs to be running. However, this is not enough since TLS-Anvil needs to know how to connect to the server. Those option are configured by using the environment variables, that are equivalent to the regular TLS-Anvil CLI options.

The recommended way is to edit the JUnit 5 template of IDEA.

  1. Open the Edit configurations from the command pallette
  2. On the bottom left select Edit configuration templates
  3. Select JUnit
  4. Configure the environment variables
  • Use COMMAND_SERVER to specify CLI options for testing a server
    Simple example:
-networkInterface lo0 -parallelTestCases 1 -strength 1 server -connect localhost:8443 -doNotSendSNIExtension
  • Use COMMAND_CLIENT to specify CLI options for testing a client
    Simple example:
-networkInterface lo0 -parallelTestCases 1 -strength 1 client -port 8443 -triggerScript [path to script]

When the environment variables are configured, it is possible to run a client or server test by clicking the green play buttons next to a function. The specified variables are used by TLS-Anvil to setup the test backend accordingly.

Netbeans or other

TLS-Anvil is based on Maven and can be compiled like any other Maven Java project. To only execute specific test templates during the development, the CLI of TLS-Anvil offers two options.

  • -testPackage [package] runs all tests inside a specific Java package.
  • -tags [tag] runs only test templates that are annotated with a specific tag. When you develop a new test case, annotate the test function temporarily with @Tag("tag") to be able to only run this specific test template.